Remember to Cross These 3 Items Off Your Spring Checklist

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Here are three spring-cleaning items to remember to check off your list:
  1. Clean your gutters and downspouts. Get on some gloves and scrape out those gutters, and if your downspout is clogged, take your garden hose and just flush it out.
  2. Spray for pests. Don’t forget to treat your home to keep out those pesky stink bugs, carpenter ants, and other invasive critters.
  3. Plan your landscaping. It’s time to sow your grass seed, trim those bushes, dig out unwanted flora, and plant some nice flowers. Spring and fall are the two times of year to really focus on your landscaping.
If you’re looking to sell your house soon or if you just want to knock your neighbors’ socks off with your home’s outstanding curb appeal, now is the time to start. Reach out to us for any referrals or advice you need, and don’t hesitate to ask us any of your real estate-related questions.