Will an Open House Help You Sell Your Chicago Home?

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Hello, and welcome back! Today, we discuss the pros and cons of open houses, so you can determine which strategy is right for you when selling this spring. 

Back in the early 1990s, one thing all Realtors did pretty regularly was hold open houses. We did these because we didn't have a lot of the tools that are available today, such as online digital marketing and photography, among others. Today, there are a lot more great tools to use when selling, but open houses aren't necessarily a thing of the past. 

If it's the right property and the right season, open houses can be a great way to get a home sold. When you do an open house, most of the people who stop by are your neighbors. They are curious about the condition of your home and can sometimes even help the home get sold by telling their friends and families about it. 

More often than not, we run into buyers in certain price categories who want to be catered to. With the current supply of inventory in the Chicago market, buyers have the luxury of sitting down with an agent and setting up multiple showings. It's efficient and they view many homes in a timely fashion. 

While open houses are nice, they are not the magic answer to selling your home. Scheduled appointments are ideal because the agent has more leverage to get buyers in the home. The house itself might be exactly what buyers are looking for, but there might be something about the neighborhood that puts the buyer off. When working with a Realtor, they will put these things into perspective and can help the buyer overcome minor hangups.

If you're a seller with certain time restraints, open houses are sometimes the best option. We can funnel buyers to the home on days that work for you, so people come through at just the right times. We have worked with many sellers who have had a situation like this and it works great.

As you can see, whether an open house is right for you depends on your specific situation. If you have any questions about how we can get your home sold and help you accomplish your selling goals, give us a call or shoot us a quick email. We would love to give you a hand!