How Should You Deal With Multiple Offers?

Multiple offer situations can be stressful. Here’s how to deal with them as either a buyer or a seller.

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We’re taking a closer look at multiple offers today from both the buyer’s and seller’s perspective. We’ve seen an increase in multiple offers in the last few months, and we want you to know how to deal with them in case your agent doesn’t.

For buyers, your agent should be able to help guide you throughout the process. The No.1 thing we focus on with our clients that are involved in multiple offer situations is playing to win. If we play to win, it helps pull us closer to getting a deal done. That’s what we’re here for, after all. If you find a house you love, we want to make sure we do everything in our power to secure it for you.

When trying to craft an acceptable offer in this situation, price isn’t the only thing we look at. Of course, you need to offer a fair price in order to win. However, it’s not the only thing that buyers care about. We also pay close attention to things like inspection and finance contingencies, as well as the length of the due diligence period and the closing date. The more we can craft our offer to appeal to the seller, the better.

We’ll do whatever we can to help you succeed.

If you’re a seller in a multiple offer situation, you’re in a pretty good spot. However, you still need to prepare your home properly for showings. We can help do that by having a garage sale that will bring in money and reduce clutter greatly. It will give you a little extra cash outside of the transaction.

If you choose to hire us to help you buy or sell a home, rest assured that we’re going to do whatever we can to help you win the deal. It’s our job to help you get the most money possible for your home if you’re selling, especially in a seller’s market like this. If you’re a buyer, we can help you craft an offer that will stand out among the crowd.

If you have any questions for us or need any help buying or selling real estate, give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you.