How Should You Price Your Chicagoland Home?

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As I'm sure you're aware, the Chicago real estate market has been improving. A lot of home sellers have been selling for top dollar.

However, this brings a new challenge in the fact that picking a price that's fair to the market has become a little difficult. Some people try to price high, and others put a fair market value on their home to ensure that it sells. I price my homes differently, though, and I'll be showing you how today.

My strategy involves pricing a home to sell with multiple offers. Savvy home sellers understand that the more buyers you have, the easier you can get a sale price that is above market value. 

Right now, we have a unique opportunity to capture top dollar for your home. The market is currently performing well and this will allow you to scrape a few extra dollars out of your home sale. 

If you're looking to sell in Chicago, please be sure to contact me. I would love to put some extra cash in your pocket!